Our goal is to hold spaces in solidarity with you, for your wellbeing.

PaperClip’s approach to wellbeing is holistic, working with emotions, bodies, and the context in which you’re situated.

What can you find help for at PaperClip?

Contact Us For
Individual Therapy | Couples Therapy | Family Counseling | Coaching on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) for Educators, Schools and Organizations

Meet your Co-Traveller in the Journey

Hi, I am Heta.

I am a mental health practitioner and educator, based out of Mumbai, working in the field as a counseling psychologist and curriculum developer for social-emotional learning. 

My orientation towards therapeutic approaches is strength-based and collaborative, informed from principles of Mindfulness, Narrative Practices, and wisdom which folks bring from their lived-experiences. I also draw from other modalities like visual arts and children’s picture books, to guide the path which we may want to take and skills to nurture in the therapeutic space. 

About Me Section

Some of the things which you may want to know about me

Practicing Since: 7 years
Medium of Practice: Online
Languages Known: English, Hindi and Gujarati (English and Hindi will be primary languages for the session)
Qualifications: Masters in Applied Psychology

Additional Qualifications

Additional Qualifications

- Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT) by Viridus Social impact Solutions, 2021
- Mindfulness for Wellbeing & Peak Performance by Monash University, 2020
- Narrative Practices from Ummeed Child Development Center, 2019

Services for Your Mental Well-Being

Curriculum Development, for Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Curriculum Development, for Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • Curriculum Design
    • Custom SEL curriculum development for schools
    • Age-appropriate resources for Pre-K through high school and youth 
  • Workshop and Training (offered both in person and online)
    • Professional development for educators on SEL strategies and implementation.
    • Workshop for students to nurture key SEL competencies 
    • Workshops for parents on supporting SEL at home


  • Individual Therapy (for all)
  • Family Counseling
  • Couples Therapy
  • Navigating
  • Neurodivergence (ADHD, – Autism, Dyslexia, etc.)
Training Program for Employee Wellbeing and Skill Building

Training Program for Employee Wellbeing and Skill Building

  • Collaborating with organizations to develop tailored  programs that foster nurturing environments and support continuous skill development in communication, emotional awareness and navigation, conflict resolution, relationship-building, to enhance their overall social and emotional wellbeing.
Contact Me

Reach out for support, guidance, or inquiries—I’m here to help.

Thank you for taking out the time to visit. Together, we can explore possibilities for our collective wellbeing. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us.